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The ANS Education Excellence Award is conferred annually to an individual or team who/that has made outstanding contributions to Neuroscience Education in Australia and/or New Zealand in one or more of the following areas:

  1. Sustained excellence in teaching that promotes student engagement and effective learning
  2. Innovative teaching methods and assessment strategies
  3. Contributions to the scholarship of teaching and learning
  4. Fostering interdisciplinary and inter-university teaching collaborations
  5. Leadership in the enhancement of teaching and learning in Neuroscience
  6. Outstanding contributions to neuroscience education outreach activities (such as in schools or advocacy/patient groups)
  7. Other significant contributions to neuroscience education


Winners of the ANS Education Excellence Award receive an ANS medallion, a certificate, and prize money of $500. They are invited to deliver a presentation at an annual education-related symposium at the ANS Annual Scientific Meeting.



  • Applicants must be Members of ANS at the time of application and at the time of presentation of the Award.
  • The education-related activity must be in an area related to neuroscience.


How to Apply

  • 2024 Applications deadline extended to Friday 26 July 2024
  • Applications to be made by email to the ANS secretariat, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Applicants must be Members of ANS. 
  • See the Application and Assessment Form for more information.