The ANS Education Excellence Award is conferred annually to an individual or team who/that has made outstanding contributions to Neuroscience Education in Australia and/or New Zealand in one or more of the following areas:
- Sustained excellence in teaching that promotes student engagement and effective learning
- Innovative teaching methods and assessment strategies
- Contributions to the scholarship of teaching and learning
- Fostering interdisciplinary and inter-university teaching collaborations
- Leadership in the enhancement of teaching and learning in Neuroscience
- Outstanding contributions to neuroscience education outreach activities (such as in schools or advocacy/patient groups)
- Other significant contributions to neuroscience education
Winners of the ANS Education Excellence Award receive an ANS medallion, a certificate, and prize money of $500. They are invited to deliver a presentation at an annual education-related symposium at the ANS Annual Scientific Meeting.
- Applicants must be Members of ANS at the time of application and at the time of presentation of the Award.
- The education-related activity must be in an area related to neuroscience.
How to Apply
- 2024 Applications deadline extended to Friday 26 July 2024
- Applications to be made by email to the ANS secretariat, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Applicants must be Members of ANS.
- See the Application and Assessment Form for more information.