ANS Finkel Foundation Travelling Fellowships - Applications Open

With the generous support of the A&E Finkel Foundation Trust, the ANS can provide up to four Travelling Fellowships of up to $50,000 each to be awarded annually up to and including 2028.

The goals of the Travelling Fellowships are: 

1. To provide career development opportunities to early and mid-career ANS Members based in Australia or New Zealand by supporting a “mini-sabbatical” style of Travelling Fellowship to a host laboratory with world-leading expertise relevant to development of brain-computer interfaces or related areas of innovative neurotechnology.  

2. To enhance Australian and New Zealand neuroscience and development of innovative solutions to neurological conditions by seeding new collaborations with world experts in brain-computer interfaces or related areas of innovative neurotechnology to facilitate establishment or application of these technologies or approaches in Australia and New Zealand. 

To learn more about the fellowships click here.

Closing Date: COB Friday 2nd August 2024


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