Members of the Executive and Council for 2024

The Society has an Executive consisting of the President, Past President or the President-elect, Treasurer, Treasurer-elect, Conference Executive Chair, Secretary and Secretary-elect. The Council currently consists of the Executive plus the Public Officer, seven Australian State Representatives and a New Zealand Representative. All Council members, with the exception of the Public Officer, are elected to their positions and all serve in an honorary capacity.





Jason Mattingley
The University of Queensland

Jason Mattingley cropped




Matilde Balbi
The University of Queensland



Matilde Balbi




Steve Kassem
Neuroscience Research Australia

Steve Kassem resized



Conference Executive Chair

Jenna Ziebell
University of Tasmania

ziebell head shot for MyLO



Past President

Janet Keast
The University of Melbourne

Janet Keast



Other Council Members



Australian Capital Territory Representative      

Saba Gharaei
Australian National University

Saba Gharaei_Photo.jpg



New South Wales Representative

Lezanne Ooi
University of Wollongong



LO headshot portrait



Queensland Representative

Thomas Burne
The University of Queensland

 Thomas Burne



South Australia Representative

Ian Musgrave
The Univesity of Adelaide





Victoria Representative

Nicholas Price
Monash University

Nicholas Price cropped 


Western Australia Representative

Samantha Gardener
Edith Cowan University





Tasmania Representative 

Gary Morris
University of Tasmania

 Gary Morris


New Zealand Representative

Karl Iremonger
University of Otago


Karl Iremonger



Postgraduate Student Representative
(Student Body Chair) 

Anne Li
University of Sydney

 Anne Li




Neuroscience Research Representative

Kristie Smith
Neuroscience Research Australia

Kristie Smith 2025



Public Officer

John Bekkers
Australia National University



ACAN Director and Course Coordinator

Jay Bertran-Gonzalez
University of New South Wales

Bertran Gonzalez 2020 Lab 2

Brain Bee National Coordinator

Jennifer Rodger
The University of Western Australia


Jennifer Rodger