Check back on this page soon for event updates.
Past EMCR Events:
ANS Student-EMCR Networking Event
Wednesday, 6 December 2023, 6PM - 7PM, The W Brisbane
You are invited to attend the ANS Student-EMCR Networking Event during the Australasian Neuroscience Society 41st Annual Scientific Meeting. The networking event will be run as a mixer where attendees are asked to consider what “goal” they would like to achieve during the event:
· Looking for a mentor/mentee
· Looking for a job
· Looking for a collaborator
· Looking for career advice
· Looking for a student
Date and time: Wednesday, 6 December 2023, 6PM - 7PM local time (Welcome Party to follow)
Location: Exhibition Foyer, The W Brisbane
Cost: Free
Looking forward to seeing you there!
On behalf of the ANS SBC and EMCR committee’s
ANS EMCR September 2023 Webinar: Thursday, September 21st 3:00PM AEST
Register at:

ANS EMCR June 2023 Webinar: Thursday June 22nd 2:30PM AEST
Please register at: