The central goal of the committee is to provide a platform for ANS members to share knowledge surrounding tertiary teaching of neuroscience.

The committee aims to help ANS members share teaching resources, develop new ideas and foster excellence in neuroscience education in Australasia.

To this end, the committee is working to develop:

1) an online community which will benefit members year-round.

2) a teaching-centred forum for members attending the society’s annual meeting.

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Catherine Leamey

University of Sydney



Cathy Headshot

Nicole Jones

University of NSW

Deputy Chair


Nicole Jones 2022 002


Alison Canty

University of Tasmania



Lyndsey Collins-Praino

University of Adelaide



Kay Double

University of Sydney



Gaby Todd

University of South Australia



Charlotte Clarke

University of Melbourne


Charlotte Clark

Melissa Tadros

University of Newcaste


Melissa Tadros 2


Vicki Dunk

James Cook University

Dunk Vicki