ANS 2021 online meeting and AGM video recordings

ANS2021 Online Program (PDF) 

ANS Plenary Lecture – Prof Bernard Balleine, University of New South Wales
The cortical and striatal circuits subserving goal-directed action  

2021 AW Campbell Award Lecture - Dr Christina Mo, University of Chicago
Transthalamic cortical pathways - underappreciated routes of information processing

Elspeth McLachlan Plenary Lecture - Prof Linda Richards, Queensland Brain Institute
Wiring the brain for interhemispheric communication

Eccles Plenary Lecture - Prof Lars Ittner, Macquarie University
On the role of the tau protein in Alzheimer's disease and beyond

2021 Nina Kondelos Plenary Lecture - Prof Elizabeth Coulson, Queensland Brain Institute
Causes and consequences of cholinergic degeneration with a focus on dementia

Lawrie Austin Plenary Lecture – Prof Clare Parish, Florey Institute of Neuroscience & Mental Health
Next generation stem cells therapies for Parkinson’s Disease

International Plenary Lecture -  Nobel Laureate, Prof Edvard Moser
Neural population dynamics of the entorhinal cortex

 ANS Distinguished Achievement Award presentation to Emeritus Prof. Laurie Geffen
Award presented by Emeritus Prof. Perry Bartlett 

Australasian Neuroscience Pioneers 
History of Australasian Neuroscience presented by Emeritus Prof. Laurie Geffen

Finalists for the ANS student body 3 minute thesis competition

ANS2021 Complete recording including ANS Annual General Meeting