Tertiary Teaching in Neuroscience
When: Thursday 2nd December and Friday 3rd December (half days)
Location: Virtual Event
This virtual satellite is open to anyone involved with neuroscience teaching in Australasia. You may be looking to reflect on your teaching practice, improve your teaching, or make teaching a more salient part of your career trajectory. The satellite will feature invited speakers, professional skill development, and networking opportunities.
When: Friday 3rd December and Saturday 4th December
Location: Level 5, The Alfred Centre, 99 Commercial Road, Melbourne VIC 3004
The Australian Neurotrauma Workshop is the annual forum for Australian and NZ-based researchers in traumatic brain and spinal cord injury to come together. Over one and a half days, the program will be developed from abstract submissions. Scientific content typically covers both clinical and preclinical neurotrauma research, spanning from concussion through to severe brain injuries; across a lifetime from paediatrics through to the elderly; and includes comorbidities as well as chronic outcomes after neurotrauma. The workshop also provides unique opportunities for networking, mentoring and brainstorming, through both structured discussion periods as well as the workshop dinner.
Solving Sanfilippo Symposium 2021
When: Sunday 5th December
Location: Park Room, Pullman Hotel
Following the very successful inaugural Solving Sanfilippo Symposium held in Adelaide in March 2020, the Sanfilippo Children's Foundation is excited to hsot the Solving Sanfilippo Symposium 2021 alongside the 2021 ANS Conference.
The Solving Sanfilippo Symposium will bring together Australian researchers and their collaborators working on Sanfilippo syndrome and related childhood dementias to share results, progress and emerging directions.
Time will also be dedicated to discussion of the recently developed Global Roadmap of Sanfilippo Therapeutics with the goal to develp and prioritise initiatives around the Australian contribution to implementing this Roadmap.
Draft Agenda
1. Understanding Sanfilippo syndrome- neurobiology & pathophysiology
2. Progress in therapeutics and prognostic tools for Sanfilippo
3. Progress in therapeutics- preclinical & clinical research
4. PhD/ECR presentations
5. A global Roadmap for Sanfilippo- Australia's Role